Coastwatch Edinburgh
Coastwatch Edinburgh
Volunteer Coastal Safety & Monitoring Organisation
As a Coastwatch Edinburgh volunteer you will receive the appropriate structured training in order for you to complete a knowledge assessment which is designed to ensure that you have gained the necessary skills required to deal with an emergency situation in an authoritative manner,being able to gather all relevant facts accurately and passing on concise information in a timely manner to the respective emergency agency,eg Maritime, Coastguard,Police,Fire or Ambulance via the 999 system.
Operational speed can be a lifesaver in itself, BUT NEVER AT THE EXPENSE OF ACCURACY.
Upon successful completion of this training you will progress to the grade of qualified - Watch Keeper.
Note: If a volunteer has provable experience or training this will be taken into consideration.
Examples of the training provided :
Basic spot,plot and report.
Chart work and o/s maps,symbols and basic understanding.
Observation techniques.
Ship recognition.
Radio communication training in order to gain the RYA VHF Short Range Certification.
Practice to absolute perfection the phonetic alphabet.
Weather reporting,causes and basic understanding.
Tidal Heights.
Basic boat handling to RYA 2 Powerboat Standard.
Ropes & Knots.
Accurate report writing.
First Aid including BHF Heart start.